Today is the 3rd day of ICT expo 2022 in Hong Kong, and we keep receiving huge interest from visitors of medical sector on our scrub dispenser and clothing management system for hospital, that we have physically presented for the first time!
This year you will be able to touch with your hands our 800 Scrub Dispenser Machine, capable to store 160 pieces of garment, with RFID tracking system, and assist to the overall process or register, assign, issue and receive back the uniforms.
We recreated a virtual hospital with nurses, doctors, kitchen staff... and a logistic manager to assign the roles, dressing profiles, tracking down events and optimize the stock!
You still have time to visit us at 1E-E29, ICT Expo 2022, HKCEC, HK
#medicalscrubdispenser #medicalchlothingmanagement #workingclothtrackingsystem #loundryrentalsoftware #hotelconveyorsystem #uniformsmanagementsystem